How download and install a Photoshop trial
Download your first trial app
To get started, simply download your first photoshop trial app from the Adobe website.
Trials begin on the day each app is installed.
1 – Go to the Creative Cloud apps catalog. Find an app that you want to download, such as Photoshop, and click Download trial.

Choose the right Photoshop subscription for you.
2 – A screen appears with a few questions about how you will use the trial. Follow the onscreen instructions and click Sign in.
If you don’t have an Adobe ID, click Sign up for an Adobe ID and follow the instructions to create an Adobe ID.
3 – Your app begins to download. At the same time, the Creative Cloud desktop app will appear, and it will manage the rest of the installation process. Check your download progress in the status bar next to the app’s name.
4 – Your app is installed and launched automatically. Your trial also starts at the same time.
You can also launch your new app the same way you launch any app on your computer. Your new app is installed in the same location where your applications are normally installed, such as the Program Files folder (Windows) or the Applications folder (Mac OS).